Marinita German Shepherds
Established 1992
Established 1992
Established 1992
Suppliers of Kanine Komplete Premium Dog Food since 2011
Breed Survey Class1
V25 BSZS 2019 & Spanish Champion Porto du parc a Mitrallies IPO2 KKL x SG Palme van't Aardshof IPO1 KKL
D.o.b. 22/10/19 - SV Hips & Elbows - Fast Normal - DNA Proven - Champ Show Winner
Many thanks to Yvonne & Bas Verschoor for entrusting this gorgeous girl to join us here at Marinita
BSZS 2021 V29 Sasko von der Zenteiche IGP2 KKL x SG2 UK Anya-Palme von der Ybajo Hoeve BSC1
D.o.b. 26/6/21 - Kayleigh is a beautiful girl and shows really good potential for the show ring having won muliple times a Championship Shows and BRG Regional Shows
Hausmailand Quattro von Marinita IPO2 ex Kazaura Yazmin von Marinita
D.o.b. 18/9/11 - BVA Hips 5:6 - Multi show winner - Mother to our lovely male "V1 UK Marinita Usko BH AD IPO1 IGP2 BSC1"
Marinita Nebraska
VA (UK) British Sieger Balko vom Gleisenhauer Schloss ex Marinita Eysha
D.o.b. 1/4/10 - BVA Hips 7:8 Elbows 0:0
Mother to Marinita Zaiden BH - AD - 2 CCs - 2 Res CCs